Concrete Driveway Repair in Newtown, KS

Homeowners Lee and Debra P. in Newton, KS needed concrete repair. The concrete had settled in many different areas in the driveway and raised a lot of safety concerns. Looking to get rid of the safety concerns, they called Thrasher for some concrete driveway repair.

We sent System Design Specialist Josh Brown out to their home. He was able to see that the settlement that had occurred in the driveway was causing safety concerns, making it hard to utilize the driveway and hurting the appearance of the concrete. To start with the concrete repair, we first used PolyLevel to lift all of the areas where settlement occurred. Then we used NexusPro Joint Sealant to seal and protect all the joints and cracks.

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Give us a call at 1-800-827-0702 or complete this form and we'll contact you shortly to schedule a Free Inspection, and you'll get a no-obligation written quote during our initial visit.
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