Failing Retaining Wall Fixed in Topeka, KS

This homeowner wanted to increase his home's curb appeal as well as keep his home safe. He noticed that the retaining wall he has next to his driveway was starting to lean and become unlevel, and this worried him. He had seen some of our commercials as well as heard of our good reputation from his friends, so he decided to give us a call and see what we could do to support his retaining wall.

We sent System Design Specialist Mike Schmidt to inspect the retaining wall and determine what was causing to to lean. Mike found that the retaining wall was deflecting because of hydrostatic pressure pushing against the wall for many years. Although the situation seemed difficult to fix to the homeowner, Mike explained how the wall deflection could be solved using GeoLock Anchors that will help to straighten it overtime. The homeowner liked this solution so much, that he had one of our installation crews come out the following weekend to secure his retaining wall. Check out the new wall anchors!

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Give us a call at 1-800-827-0702 or complete this form and we'll contact you shortly to schedule a Free Inspection, and you'll get a no-obligation written quote during our initial visit.
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