Settling Back Patio - Lifted With Polyjacking
Thrasher Foundation Repair raised this patio with brick overlay using our polyjacking system.
The large patio was lifted and repaired without removing bricks.
These Overland Park homeowners called us because their back patio had settled 4 to 5 inches. The patio's settlement was causing water to leak into the basement, and the step leading out into the back yard was becoming a hazard.
During the homeowner's free inspection of their back-patio System Design Specialist discussed why PolyLevel would be best over mudjacking. The issue with mudjacking is that the material used (a mixture of mud and concrete) to make a slurry is very heavy and adds a lot of unneeded weight to the soil below. Also, have you ever seen what appears to be a pop can-sized hole filled in on someone's driveway? That is a mudjacking porthole, and they are sometimes not even there anymore. We find a hole in the concrete, and they are always unattractive on your concrete. Just another reason why we came up with PolyLevel foam. Instead of using heavy materials, it uses modern materials. It's made of lightweight, high-density polymers. Lightweight but incredibly strong, to add strength and structure without adding weight to the soil below. We only have to drill a hole approximately the size of a dime, and we use a specific grout mixture to fill the holes, which makes them virtually invisible. If mudjacking were to be used, bricks would need to be removed or broken out and replaced, causing a checkered board look.
PolyLevel is a lightweight, firm high-density polyurethane foam developed by our sister company Supportworks and only available to an exclusive network of foundation and concrete repair contractors. It lifts and supports concrete slabs without adding weight to the soil beneath, and it's waterproof so that it won't wash out or dry out like traditional mudjacking material. When installing, the crew will drill dime-size holes strategically in the sunken slab to prep for a level lift. Polylevel injects new, structurally engineered material into any hidden voids to stop and reverse settlement. This is a skilled craft. Each team member goes through classroom training, learning about the mixture and process, then hands-on training with a seasoned Team Lead or Manager.
After weighing the option of mudjacking vs. PolyLevel, the homeowner decided to go with PolyLevel. The date with scheduled with the production team, and two weeks later, the homeowner had the team in his backyard.
The patio was lifted back to its original position, and no bricks had to be removed.
Upon arriving at install, the team leader introduces himself and the crew, walking the homeowner around back to review the project's scope. Once the work was completed in the back patio and the crew cleaned up. The team leader does a final walk through with the homeowner collecting the final payment. They may ask for referrals and place a sign in their yard.
The Overland Park homeowner was delighted with the Thrasher Team lead and the work with the PolyLevel. He is thankful Thrasher used PolyLevel due to the size of the hole made and the construction of the patio.
The patio was lifted back to its original position, and no bricks had to be removed.
These satisfied customers have now used Thrasher on three different types of foundation repair related projects.
If you have concrete slabs that are significantly cracked, have voids beneath the slabs, or are sloping towards your home or building, it's time to consult a PolyLevel Expert. PolyLevel is a much more cost-effective alternative to concrete replacement.
Contact Thrasher Foundation Repair HERE. Each of our inspections comes at no obligation, and it includes a written concrete repair estimate. To schedule your free inspection, call or email us today! We proudly serve Kansas City, Lenexa, Olathe, Blue Springs, Topeka, St. Joseph, Wichita, Hays, Clay Center, and communities in Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri.

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