Basement Waterproofing in Versailles, MO

Homeowner Nevin is beginning to buy and flip houses, and it's important to him to do it right. In this home, he wants to finish the basement but wants to address waterproofing it first. When talking to a few different companies to find the best one to get the job done. He chose Thrasher because of our reputation and clarity when discussing the scope of work. 

Anthony Salcedo inspected Nevin's house. He found the basement had leaking walls and a leaning foundation wall. The best action plan was to install an entire perimeter of wall supports, a complete perimeter drainage system, and a sump pump. 

We installed our water guard system, CleanSpace, to divert any water intrusion through the wall and then installed a sump pump with backup. Next, to fix the leaning foundation wall, we established an entire perimeter of wall anchors to take the weight off and stabilize the failing wall.

Nevin was pleased with the results and happy he chose Thrasher.

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Give us a call at 1-402-389-4271 or complete this form and we'll contact you shortly to schedule a Free Inspection, and you'll get a no-obligation written quote during our initial visit.
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