Cracking Driveway in Erie, CO

This homeowner was done with mudjacking. They had gotten their driveway done and a year later their problems were back. They wanted a permanent solution that could address the cracking and sinking of their driveway. Not only was this a trip hazard, but they saw it as an eyesore. They knew of Thrasher and how we offer permanent solutions. They liked the idea of our PolyLevel and knew we would stand behind the work that was completed. One of our System Design Specialists, Rob Griffin, went out to meet with them. He explained that due to loose fill soil, the concrete on the front of their home was experiencing the sinking and cracking. Rob proposed we use the waterproof PolyLevel foam to lift the sinking concrete, as well as Nexus Pro to fix the cracks, and a compression guard to reduce the street creep cracking. The customers loved how the PolyLevel was waterproof, and would not wash away after a year like mudjacking. They also were very happy with how the crew completed the work as promised. There is no doubt that these homeowners have peace of mind for all of the concrete in front of their home. 

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