Wall Deflection Solved in Lakepark, IA
This homeowner wanted further protection of her home as she knew the water damage harmed her wall a lot before she utilized our waterproofing solutions. After the waterproofing solutions were completed, she wanted to have us look at her deflecting walls and determine what solutions would be best to combat this problem, so she called us out again.
We sent Service Technician Sam Hogan to inspect the wall, determine what the damage was, and come up with a solution to fix this problem. Sam found that due to hydrostatic pressure on the outside of the wall before waterproofing work was done, the wall had pushed 2 inches inward. While the problem was not progressing any more, the homeowner was determine to have this fixed for her safety, so Sam came for an installation appointment to help the inward moving walls. Sam and one of our installation teams used PowerBraces to stabilize the wall and move it back to its original position over time.
The homeowner was very happy with the results as she knew that her home was stable for the future. Check out the installed PowerBraces!
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Give us a call at 1-844-948-3306 or complete this form and we'll contact you shortly to schedule a Free Inspection, and you'll get a no-obligation written quote during our initial visit.